Category Archives: Energy Efficiency
Problems With Spray Foam Insulation
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The Rochester NY Home Inspector on Tankless Water Heaters – efficient but not necessarily economical Heating water accounts for up to 30 percent of the average home’s energy budget. Some makers of gas-fired tankless water heaters claim their products can cut your energy costs up to half over regular storage heaters. So is it … Continue reading
Rochester NY Home Inspector Reports on Inadequate Insulation Inadequate insulation means that 10 to 50 percent of energy is lost through walls, ceilings and floors. Proper insulation helps lower energy bills by resisting heat movement through the barrier. Where the interior of walls and ceilings is easily … Continue reading
When the price of heating fuel or electricity goes up, it means higher bills at home to keep temperatures comfortable. If heating costs are a concern, look at more than just the setting on the thermostat. Heat produced in the … Continue reading
Home improvement projects that included adding insulation or replacing windows, water heaters or certain high efficiency heating and cooling equipment, completed in 2007, could be eligible for the Home Improvements Federal Tax Credit. The tax credit, a max of $500, … Continue reading