Thinking Green

Home owners are attracted to the idea that they can

help the earth by making smarter purchases and

lifestyle decisions. Here are a few products you may

not be familiar with:

Chemical-free lighting. LED (light emitting diodes)

may just be a beacon for the future of residential

lighting. They contain no hazardous chemicals like other

lighting does. In addition, a LED fixture uses 80 percent

less energy than a traditional incandescent light bulb and

has the ability to last up to 20 years.

Green toilets. You may have heard of the low-flow

toilet, but here are a few you may be less familiar with.

A dual-flush toilet has two buttons giving a home owner

the option of flushing with a half or full tank. A pressure-

assist toilet reduces water by using compressed air to

assist with the flushing of the toilet, all without additional

pumps or power.

Nontoxic paint. Some consumers are using paints

that don’t contain toxic VOCs (Volatile Organic

Components) to keep indoor air clean and cut down on

landfill pollutants. These paints are offered in a variety

of colors and finishes.

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